Ambassadors of G7 countries welcomed appointment of elections in 125 AHs

Ambassadors of the G7 countries welcomed the appointment of the first and additional elections in 125 territorial hromadas by the Central Election Commission for 23 December.

The diplomats informed about that in Twitter account of the Canadian Chair of the G7 Ambassadors’ Support Group, as reported by Ukrinform.

“We welcome CEC’s announcement of local elections in 125 newly amalgamated communities to be held on December 23, 2018, marking the continuation and entrenching of decentralisation reform” the statement says.

As it is known, on 12 October the Central Election Commission appointed the first and additional elections in a number of AHs for 23 December. In general, the Commission appointed the first elections in 125 AHs (15 urban, 22 settlement, 88 rural AHs). The CEC announced the start of the electoral process in these hromadas from 3 November.


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