Hromada development issues discussed at Kharkiv forum

“Hromada. Investments. Development” is the name of the 3rd Polish-Ukrainian Forum of Local Self-Government, which takes place in Kharkiv.

The event gathered 250 participants – representatives of Kharkiv authorities and business, amalgamated hromadas of the Kharkiv Oblast – there are currently 17 of them, deputies of oblast and rayon councils, and guests from Poland.

“Kharkiv becomes the centre of Ukrainian-Polish relations. Last year, we welcomed President of Poland Andrzej Duda and Head of the Senate. A reputable and powerful Polish delegation took part in the international economic forum in Kharkiv 2 weeks ago. Now we are hosting the 3rd Polish-Ukrainian Forum of Local Self-Government since 2016. Such activity is a guarantee of our further cooperation and its specific results. For example, enterprises of the Kharkiv Oblast have already almost doubled their export to Poland,” said Yulia Svitlychna, head of the Kharkiv Oblast State Administration, opening the Forum.

Within two panel discussions two important hromada development aspects were discussed: energy efficiency as hromada’s self-investment and investment in people.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

17.10.2018 - 14:08 | Views: 6950
Hromada development issues discussed at Kharkiv forum

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Харківська область



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