Amber-extracting hromada develops favourable environment for children and youth

On Thursday, 11 October, the Klesiv Settlement Council signed a Memorandum on Cooperation with the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) within the framework of the Global Programme “Community for Children and Youth”.

The document was signed by Nataliya Borodchuk, UNICEF Ukraine Social Policy Project Manager, and Vasyl Hrynyk, urban-type settlement head from the Klesivska hromada.

More than 160 cities and AHs from all over Ukraine declared their intention to join the UNICEF global initiative. The Klesivska AH entered the first group of municipalities that are leaders in the initiative implementation and receive technical support from UNICEF.

Nataliya Borodchuk said: “Today, the signing of the memorandum takes place in the young hromada, which has completed many projects in just 2 years. We are confident that participation in the “Community for Children and Youth” initiative will support protection of the rights of children and young people in the AH, and UNICEF will always contribute to this.”

Vasyl Hrynyk mentioned: “It is a great honour for us to be among the leaders of the UNICEF initiative. We have a lot of problems in our hromada, but we strive to solve them and create the necessary conditions for the development and living of youth. We are confident that we will be able to unite efforts of all stakeholders for the sake of such an essential purpose.”

The memorandum outlines the city's participation in the Global Initiative and envisages provision of organisational and technical assistance from the UNICEF side. The signing of the document is the first step towards obtaining the official status of the “Community for Children and Youth”. The document, in particular, attests hromada’s commitment to create a more favourable environment for the development of children and youth.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

12.10.2018 - 10:44 | Views: 9811
Amber-extracting hromada develops favourable environment for children and youth

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Рівненська область


Клесівська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Клесівська територіальна громада


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