Amalgamated hromadas from all over Ukraine send their appeals to the Central Election Commission asking them to appoint the first local elections on their territory. Copies of appeals were received by from the Nepolokovetska and Chahorska AHs of the Chernivtsi Oblast, Mylivska and Shlyakhivska hromadas of the Kherson Oblast, Velykoploskivska AH of the Odesa Oblast, and the Ozeryanska rural AH of the Chernihiv Oblast.
Hromadas are concerned about the delay in the appointment of the first local elections, fearing to lose the opportunity to start direct interbudgetary relations with the state budget from the beginning of 2019. They also express concern that the situation with elections may negate the very local self-government reform.
The appeals also state that hromadas have taken all necessary steps provided for by law in order to amalgamate, and require the observance of the legal norms from all other actors, whose decisions influence their future.
Addressing the Central Election Commission, the hromadas request to appoint local elections for December 2018.
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