Stanyshivska AH is implementing 16 infrastructure projects this year

The Stanyshivska AH implements 16 projects for the development of social infrastructure. In particular, it is constructing two kindergartens in Zarichany and Stanishivka, and is also thoroughly insulating three schools and three cultural centres, informed Kateryna Klymenko, secretary of the Stanishevska AH during a press tour over the hromada, organised by the Zhytomyr Local Government Development Centre, established by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion.

In addition, the AH is actively developing sports infrastructure: three football playgrounds have been built and repaired in the villages of Lishchyn and Stanishivka during only this year.

In parallel with the restoration of educational and cultural institutions, the roads are being repaired here as well.

The hromada has begun elaborating its development strategy that should help maintain the existing network of institutions and strengthen the hromada's economy. This programme document will accumulate resources for the development of territories. In addition, AH experts are actively developing tourism and international cooperation, which should also help in search for investors.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

09.10.2018 - 11:32 | Views: 11010

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Житомирська область


Станишівська територіальна громада


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