On 5 October 2018 the Memorandum of Co-operation between the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service, the All-Ukrainian Training Centre for Civil Servants and Local Government Officials, U-LEAD with Europe and the Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform of the Council of Europe was signed.
The Council of Europe will lead on the development of the Human Resource Management (HRM) training curricula and materials, in line with European standards and good practice, and based on the Council of Europe Toolkit on Human Recourses Management, lessons learned following its implementation in other CoE member States.
The Council of Europe and its Programme “Decentralisation and local government reform in Ukraine” will provide HRM learning material and tools piloted in Ukraine. It will advise on the criteria for and selection of competent regional trainers, assist in their training and certify the completion of the training. The Council of Europe will subsequently assist in the implementation of the training sessions in amalgamated territorial communities.
The Parties will join and increase efforts to improve professional training for local self-government officials in Ukraine in the field of HRM, in order to strengthen organisational and management capacities of local authorities in AH and to ensure highest quality of services to their citizens.
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