Decentralisation resources and targeted subventions are the funds for salaries and social support, and not for “fountains and cedar trees,” – Volodymyr Groysman

Resources, provided by the decentralisation reform, as well as direct and targeted state subventions, are the funds that should be directed, first of all, at paying salaries to budget sector employees, building social and local infrastructure, and not at “fountains and cedar trees”, that are also needed, but not top priority expense items, stated Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman during the live broadcast of “Freedom of Speech” programme on ICTV channel.

“Dear colleagues! Pay salaries – we have provided you with money for this,” said Volodymyr Groysman, addressing the heads of local authorities. “I see, sometimes there are funds for the fountains and trees, yet no money for salaries? How come? For example, the roads. Next year we will allocate UAH 56 billion to this sector. Of these, 17.7 billion will go to local roads. This is a huge resource. I say this as a former mayor.”

Volodymyr Groysman emphasised that it is unacceptable to currently have territory development tools in place, and debts in addition:

“Some cunning people say – go to the Government, hoping that we will take money from the retired people, doctors, teachers and solve the problem. No, it will not be so. If some local leaders think they may not understand people and do not respect them, then there will be an immediate address of the Cabinet of Ministers to the President of Ukraine, and I'm sure that the President will dismiss these leaders from office.”

02.10.2018 - 10:55 | Views: 7017
Decentralisation resources and targeted subventions are the funds for salaries and social support, and not for “fountains and cedar trees,” – Volodymyr Groysman


Volodymyr Groysman


Урядовий портал

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