Cultural centres and clubs transformed into Cultural and Leisure Centres in Terebovlyanska AH

After the formation of the Terebovlyanska AH (Ternopil Oblast), the hromada received 22 cultural centres and clubs, the maintenance of which required significant funds from the AH budget. In order to optimise budget expenditures and increase the efficiency of the cultural sphere, the AH leaders decided to combine these facilities. Such associations were called Cultural and Leisure Centres.


In fact, these are former large cultural centres, to which geographically close village clubs were attached.

Today there are 5 Cultural and Leisure Centres in the Terebovlyanska AH, which unite all 25 villages of AH and Terebovlya as the administrative centre of the hromada and provide a wide range of services.


“The Centre provides a variety of electronic services and creates new opportunities for social adaptation of young people. We invite everyone in need of information on healthy lifestyle, spiritual and intellectual development, self-education, meaningful leisure, interesting and useful communication, to visit our Centre,” said Iryna Kryshovska, head of the Cultural and Leisure Centre in the village of Laskivtsi.


The centres organise and conduct cultural, artistic and entertaining events, fairs, festivals, competitions, dance evenings for the youth, etc. In addition, they provide modern library services and meet informational needs.

All Centres have their own website pages, where they place information about services, events and announcements for the AH residents.


Almost all services of the Centres are provided on a fee basis. Their list and cost are approved by the executive committee of the Terebovlyanska AH at the beginning of each year.


Summing up the story of the transformation of village clubs and cultural centres of the Terebovlyanska AH, it should be mentioned that the main objective of the creation of the Cultural and Leisure Centres is to keep young people in the village, fill the hromada with young specialists and approach high-quality services to the population. This goal is being successfully implemented, since the hromada is thinking about the future.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE




culture youth libraries Kultura krashchi praktyky


Тернопільська область


Теребовлянська територіальна громада


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