To attention of AHs' deputies! U-LEAD with Europe and Institute of Political Education invite to participate in training seminars

The Institute of Political Education invites deputies of amalgamated hromadas’ local councils to participate in training seminars on topical issues of deputies’ activity

During 2018-2019, the Institute of Political Education within the framework of the “Strong Councils - Capable Hromadas” project is organising a series of training events for AHs' deputies devoted to the status, rights and deputies’ duties, housing and communal services, budget issues, land relations. The “Strong Councils - Capable Hromadas” project is being implemented by the Institute of Political Education with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme funded by the European Union and its member states Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Poland and Sweden.

Deadline for sending documents: 14 October 2018.

All candidates will be informed of the selection results no later than 17 October.

Documents must be sent by e-mail: with subject IPO_U-LEAD. 


Tel: 044 278-55-43

Nataliya Soroka 097-296-94-51

Denys Fedyunin 067-473-83-66

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE



28.09.2018 - 12:39 | Views: 18893

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Інститут політичної освіти

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