“We will be ready for this work!” Halyna Kudlay, head of Buryakivka village council

The team of the Rayhorodska AH, that is waiting for the appointment of the first elections, today has been trained on hromada functioning and development issues at the Zhytomyr Local Government Development Centre, established by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion. The village heads and secretaries of councils, that had joined the AH, elaborated a number of problems and tasks the young hromada will need to address at the first stage of development.

“Today, we give people practical advice on how to quickly and efficiently organise the work of the new team and make key decisions for the AH formation. In addition, Heorhii Fedoruk and Oleksandr Zarytskyi will talk about the basics of the healthcare reform and regional development of territories. This information should help to form a vision at the beginning of the AH work,” said Serhiy Romanovych, decentralisation adviser of the Zhytomyr LGDC.

“Our current powers and resources are incomparable to those that will emerge in the hromada after the elections. Responsibilities will significantly grow as well. But that does not matter, if you have experience. After passing the training, we will be ready for this work,” considers Halyna Kudlay, head of the Buryakivka village council.

It should be mentioned that such training has already been held for the teams of the Vchorayshenska, Vilshanska and Hryshkovetska AHs. At present, 6 AHs of the Zhytomyr Oblast are waiting for the appointment of the first elections.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


26.09.2018 - 10:33 | Views: 10915
“We will be ready for this work!” Halyna Kudlay, head of Buryakivka village council

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Житомирська область


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