Government redistributed budget funds to finance healthcare institutions

On 19 September, the Government made a decision on financing healthcare provision to the population at the primary level. According to the Association of Ukrainian Cities, in 2018 the funds were foreseen only for 6 months.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine redistributed the budget to finance primary healthcare institutions that did not enter into contracts with the National Health Service in the 4th quarter under the healthcare subvention mechanism. The Government has transferred UAH 1 billion 36 million from the capitation programme to the subvention programme.

Thus, from 1 October, healthcare facilities will be funded, and medical workers providing medical care in healthcare institutions, that have not yet concluded contracts with the National Health Service, will be able to receive salaries.

Then local councils will make changes to their budgets so that the funds under the subvention mechanism are received by those institutions that have not yet entered the reform.

From October 2018, nearly half of the primary healthcare institutions will be funded under the “Money follows the patient” model.

The reform envisages that all primary healthcare institutions should sign contracts with the National Health Service by the end of 2018. Medical institutions, that have already signed their contracts, switched to the mechanism of direct payments from the NHS for services, provided to patients, on 1 July 2018. Currently, nearly 150 healthcare facilities receive funding this way.

20.09.2018 - 13:21 | Views: 13819
Government redistributed budget funds to finance healthcare institutions




Асоціація міст України

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