Revolving fund or Volyn know-how in energy efficiency

The Lyublynetska hromada in the Volyn Oblast has introduced a revolving fund – a turnaround financial loan to implement energy efficiency measures.

According to Natalia Sikhovska, head of the hromada, the AH has become the first in the Volyn Oblast and the second in Ukraine to allocate targeted funds for the development of energy efficient measures for its residents, provided by the local budget through acommunal enterprise.

Before introducing the revolving fund itself, the hromada compared its capabilities with the Local Initiatives Support Programme, which envisages the irreversible release of funds. The revolving fund is aimed at a non-interest repayment of funds, so this money can be useful for implementing a large number of initiatives.

The head of the Lyublynetska AH is convinced that very soon this practice will be implemented in other hromadas, since in the context of annual tariff growth people quickly learn to count for the future.


The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Волинська область


Люблинецька селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Люблинецька територіальна громада



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