Zolotnykivska AH focuses on social entrepreneurship

The Zolotnykivska AH is one of the largest in the Terebovlya Rayon of the Ternopil Oblast. Here the residents of 21 villages amalgamated in one hromada!

The Ternopil Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, organised a trip for media representatives to help journalists find out the landmarks the Zolotnykivska AH had chosen for its successful development.

A rather unusual map of the hromada hangs on the wall of the office of Danylo Buhay, head of the Zolotnykivska AH. There is a photo or a few, featuring a school, a kindergarten, a health post, a store, fire or police station near each settlement.




“On this map, we reflect all that we have been able to do since the time when the hromada strategic development plan by 2022 began to be implemented,” says Danylo Buhay.

According to him, the instructions of the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyi were taken as the basis for the AH, since he, as the spiritual leader and son of his people, was also concerned about the provision of material support to Ukrainians at the beginning of the last century.

Today there are more than 20 farms and over two dozen business entities in the AH. For example, agricultural enterprise “Zarvanytsia AGRO” processes over 1100 hectares in three villages of the hromada. There is an apiary here, sunflower oil is produced, they are also engaged in dairy cattle and swine breeding, in particular, breed rare kinds of cows and pigs. Besides, the enterprise bottles mineral water.




“All this means new jobs, employment of local people, significant revenues, some of which go to development of Mariya spiritual centre in Zarvanytsia, as well as to charity and support of social projects in our villages,” says Danylo Buhay.

Two years ago the enterprise “Zarvanytsia AGRO” opened a unit for the production of dumplings and other semi-finished products in the village of Hnylovody. 10 villagers got jobs.



According to the AH head, by the end of the year, the agricultural service cooperative “Andrey” will start working at full capacity. This association collects and processes of milk, cultivates potatoes and other vegetable crops.




The AH head emphasises that, on the whole, social enterprises, operating on the territory of the hromada, have created more than a hundred workplaces and ensured the financial stability of employees.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Тернопільська область


Золотниківська територіальна громада



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