Voznesenska AH in Mykolayiv Oblast – benefit to both the village and the city

Voznesensk became the first city of oblast significance in the Mykolayiv Oblast to voluntarily establish AH with two villages.

As a result, both rural and urban residents benefited. The advantages of such amalgamation were discussed during the press tour “The Voznesenska hromada – the first AH of the Mykolayiv Oblast on the basis of the city of oblast significance”. It was organised by the Mykolayiv Local Governmetn Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion.



According to Vitaliy Lukov, head of the Voznesensk City Council, residents of two villages with a population of about two thousand people will receive all the privileges and benefits that are currently enjoyed by the residents of Voznesensk city.

“Accession of our villages, located 10 and 3 kilometres from the city, to Voznesensk was a conscious choice of the hromada. We hope in this way to improve the living standards of the rural population,” says Lyudmyla Tsonya, acting starosta of the villages of Novohryhorivka and Rakove of the Voznesensk City Council.




In 2018 the Voznesensk budget amounts to UAH 423 million, and that of the accessed villages – UAH 3.5 million. So far, all settlements are living at their own expense, and since the new 2019 will have a joint budget and will expect to get assistance from the state, which is known to support the newly formed AHs.

Participants of the press tour also observed the course of repair work in the local general secondary school No.8, where more than 600 pupils will study. UAH 20 million are involved in repair, insulation and equipment of this educational institution from various sources. Therefore, the accessed villages can also count on additional revenues.




In turn, the city expects that the villages will enable it to use additional land resources, in particular, get land plots for new construction sites, which currently causes a problem due to the lack of territories.



In future, the economy of the Voznesenska AH will develop in three directions. These are trade, small and medium-sized industrial enterprises, in particular, in the processing industry, and logistics.


The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Миколаївська область



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