AH representatives learnt to create civil protection system in Kharkiv

“Civil protection is one of the important tasks for amalgamated hromadas. We need to coordinate this activity, which is why we are talking about the regulatory base, joint actions of all AH leaders with the structural units of the State Emergency Service,” said Diana Barinova, director of the Kharkiv Local Government Development Centre, at the seminar.

According to her, in order to ensure civil protection, MinRegion recommends to establish “Bezpechno” centres, and it is one of the priority directions of joint work of AH, SES, Local Government Development Centres, oblast state administrations.

The seminar was attended by over 50 participants: representatives of AHs of the Kharkiv Oblast, experts of the Civil Protection Department of the Kharkiv Oblast State Administration, General Directorate of the State Emergency Service in the Kharkiv Oblast, as well as experts of the Kharkiv Local Government Development Centre.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

19.09.2018 - 14:28 | Views: 10280
AH representatives learnt to create civil protection system in Kharkiv

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Харківська область


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