The Mezhivska hromada amalgamated two settlement and five village councils. Over 15,7 thousand citizens took responsibility for their present and future life. The AH territory is 63 thousand square kilometres, covering 30 settlements, the distance to the most remote is almost 40 kilometres. The AH budget amounts to UAH 108 million, of which own revenues make up UAH 55-56 million.
The Mezhivska AH was formed in autumn 2017, and it is the first hromada in the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast to open a modern Administrative Service Centre in course of four months of work in new conditions.
On the hromada’s territory there is a Social Activity Centre, established with the support of GIZ. Decentralisation achievements include major repairs of the local school, which has seen no renovation since its creation in the 70's. The journalists of the TV and Radio Company “Region” after a press tour to the hromada, organised by the Dnipropetrovsk Local Government Development Centre, tell about changes in the life of people.
Дніпропетровська областьГромади:
Межівська територіальна громадаSource:
Дніпропетровський Центр розвитку місцевого самоврядування
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