On 13 September, a regular visit of advisers from the Chernivtsi Local Government Development Centre to the AHs of the oblast took place with the aim to get acquainted with the implementation of projects through the subvention for infrastructure development. This time, the guests visited the Vyzhnytska urban AH, that has received UAH 4.5 million of subvention from the state budget to improve its infrastructure. It should be mentioned that last year its sum amounted to UAH 6.5 million, with the help of which 10 projects were implemented.
This year, the hromada carries out six infrastructure projects.
Last year, the AH received UAH 40 thousand from the oblast environmental protection fund for the purchase of garbage cans in the village of Chornohuzy. Another UAH 60 thousand were added from the AH own budget, and residents, who wanted to receive individual containers, also made contributions in the amount of 100 UAH.
In the village of Vyzhenka the bridge is being overhauled. The cost of work is almost a quarter million UAH, and last year 4 similar bridges were reconstructed in the village.
More than UAH 1 million is foreseen for the reconstruction of a school in the village of Kybaky, and the same amount of infrastructure subvention has been envisaged for the completion of the premises in the kindergarten of the village of Ispas.
And the last project concerns the village Bahna, where almost UAH 300 thousand will be spent on street lighting.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
Чернівецька областьГромади:
Вижницька територіальна громадаSource:
Чернівецький Центр розвитку місцевого самоврядування
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