Election process in newly established amalgamated hromadas should be unblocked - President

President Petro Poroshenko in an interview to Zhytomyr TV channel “SK1” said that the state should help and not create obstacles to the hromadas that have decided to amalgamate, and therefore the electoral process should be unblocked.

Speaking about the unblocking of elections in 127 newly established amalgamated hromadas, the President said: "My position and my will is similar to that of this million. If residents of a particular hromada decided to create an amalgamated hromada, then it means taking responsibility. And they are ready to take responsibility for their own destiny. The state has to help them. And in any case, we should not see any obstacles in this regard".

The Head of State emphasizes that if there is any inconsistency in the legislation, the Verkhovna Rada should immediately decide on the unblocking of the process. "If the decision of the Central Election Commission is required for this, then the Parliament should consider the presidential submission that has been in the Parliament for more than a year already and elect a new CEC. This is important not only for the creation of amalgamated hromadas, but also for ensuring free transparent elections of the President and Parliament next year," added the President.

In April 2014 the President stressed that decentralisation would be one of the most important reforms and that the power from Kyiv should move to the territorial hromadas. "Everyone was very skeptical about this. They said that while they are candidates, they all promise. Nobody will give up power from Kyiv. Look at what's happening now: decentralisation and the voluntary creation of amalgamated hromadas already covers more than 8 million people," said the President.

According to the President, there are now successful examples of the implementation of those additional powers that the hromadas have received through the decentralisation programme. The President noted that the constitutional reform of decentralisation was voted only in the first reading: "But I am convinced that we will move forward resolutely, and we already have the results".

The President noted that when he chaired the budget committee in the Verkhovna Rada, the share of local budgets in the general budget was just over 30%. "Today, the share of local budgets in the general budget of Ukraine is more than 51% due to decentralisation, thus, the lion's share of money, more than half, goes to hromadas. And hromadas already have an opportunity to independently determine how to use this money - whether to build hospitals, roads, schools, kindergartens or lighting,” he said.

"The only thing I insist on is not to bribe voters. They are smart enough. Money should not stay on accounts, money should not be paid in cash, money should make our cities, villages and settlements better," added the Head of State.

The President stressed that Zhytomyr is a good example of the implementation of the decentralisation reform.

08.09.2018 - 17:49 | Views: 15354
Election process in newly established amalgamated hromadas should be unblocked - President


elections P.Poroshenko CEC


Офіційне інтернет-представництво Президента України

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