Safety and quality of life in cities - the request of society and the task for officials, says Prime Minister

The safe and comfortable life in large and small cities, public gardens, smart buildings, availability of pre-school facilities, modern schools, high-quality roads - this is a fair request of society and the task for public officials who are responsible for the development of territories. This was stated by Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman during the Government sitting.

He stressed that the drive for profits often leads to social irresponsibility, when  priority is given to construction of residential buildings , and the construction of kindergartens and schools is shifted on the shoulders of the state budget.

"If you, citizens, see that the houses are being built, and  the garden or outpatient hospital or any social object are not being simultaneously built - you know, it's aa sharp practice. The authorities made an unfair decision in relation to residents", the Prime Minister said.

Apart from that, he stressed that  it is necessary to change the building standards  and to introduce norms, which were developed with the involvement of a wide circle of experts and the public.

"When we delved into the question of development of territories, we saw that most of the norms dated back to Soviet times. That is why, when we now see a new building, it looks like obsolete, very primitive. We have done a great job in order to create modern quality requirements  and building standards. We want to establish a comfortable environment for those who are designing the buildings to do the same as in Europe ", the Prime Minister claimed.

The Head of Government drew attention to the fact that introduction of new norms which encorporated the best practices of Great Britain, the United Stated and other countries, does not pass smoothly. "There are a number of demands. Some want to leave everything the way it was. And individual cases of court decisions compromise hundreds of honest and fair decisions. But we must out the things right in the country. And everyone should be united for this purpose. We can be 50-100 times more efficient. There are people in the country who will fight for it till victory", the Head of the Government stated.

The Prime Minister commissioned despite all legal conflicts to actively put into practice new norms.

05.09.2018 - 12:04 | Views: 7165
Safety and quality of life in cities - the request of society and the task for officials, says Prime Minister


Volodymyr Groysman


Урядовий портал

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