Maria Tyshchenko, coordinator of the policy implementation unit, implementation phase, U-LEAD with Europe
Administrative service centres are established in amalgamated hromadas in Ukraine. They can be made more effective on the basis of the Swedish experience. Sweden is divided into 290 communities with their administrative bodies and their own local taxes. They are similar to amalgamated hromadas in Ukraine arising in the course of decentralisation. Just like in Ukraine, the communities in Sweden are different in terms of their territory and number of residents. The central government in Sweden has a limited set of administrative powers. The key issues related to security and local amenities are handled by the local authorities. If a Swedish citizen happens to need an administrative service or consultation, she/he most probably finds it online. Offline services are available as well, though. In many communities, the so-called “Citizen Offices” (Medborgarkontor) or “Contact Centres” (Kontaktcenter) operate. These are units providing different types of municipal services, which makes them similar to the ASCs in Ukraine.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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Авторка: Олександра Койдель, зовнішня експертка Програми "U-LEAD з Європою" Довгострокове відновлення України...