How hromada can receive UAH 27 million from non-conventional sources

The Novoborivska settlement AH in the Zhytomyr Oblast has received record-high funds over the last three years for the implementation of its projects. To a significant extent these funds stem from initiatives launched by ….children.

The Novoborivska settlement AH which has four starosta districts and 8.5 thousand residents was among the first hromadas in the Zhytomyr Oblast which decided to amalgamate. Prior to start campaigning for amalgamation, head of the hromada Hryhori Rudiuk had made a thorough forecast of all revenues which the Novoborivska AH was expected to generate. At that time, the total budget of all settlements of the hromada barely reached UAH 5 million. What Hryhori Rudiuk could not even imagine was that the budget of his AH would increase tenfold (!) within three years. For this year, the hromada’s budget is equal to UAH 52 million. It was even more difficult to predict that the funds received by the hromada from sources other than the budget itself would reach UAH 27 million within the same three years!

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE




Житомирська область


Новоборівська територіальна громада


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