Youth and hromadas: youth potential development in AH discussed in Kharkiv Oblast

More than 40 active youth movement representatives from the Kharkiv Oblast amalgamated hromadas participated in the seminar “Youth potential development and involving young people in hromada management”, held on 28 August 2018 in the Kharkiv Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, together with the Kharkiv Oblast State Administration.

According to Diana Barynova, Director of the LGDC, after hroamdas’ amalgamation the youth receives more opportunities to realise their potential in their territories.

The purpose of the seminar is to provide young people with the tools that will be useful in their desire to take a more active part in the life of AHs, where they live, says Oleh Kulinich, youth potential development expert.

Participants of the seminar discussed the experience of establishing a youth self-government in hromadas on the example of the neighbouring Republic of Poland.

During the event, the Kharkiv Leadership School was presented, which is being implemented with the support of the Kharkiv Oblast State Administration and personally by the OSA’s head Yulia Svitlychna.

Besides, within the framework of the event, the participants had an opportunity to get acquainted with the specifics of the activities of the youth HUB “Komora” in Pervomaysk, created with the support of Ukraine – GiZ.

The audience was informed about an electronic library of a youth activist and got acquainted with an information and methodological manual Youth Participation in Hromada Management”, written by Oleh Kulinich, youth potential development expert, Diana Barynova, Director of the Kharkiv LGDC, and Viktor Nesterenko, decentralisation adviser of the LGDC.

The first 40 copies of the manual were distributed to the participants of the seminar. The electronic version is available on the official website of the Kharkiv LGDC in Facebook, on the website (Kharkiv LGDC) in the Library section or HERE.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


30.08.2018 - 09:48 | Views: 15755

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