Oleksandrivska AH won culinary battle

For the first time in the Donetsk Oblast the Independence Day of Ukraine has been celebrated with holding of a culinary competition between representatives of local authorities. Holiday events took place in the Pushkin’s park in Kramatorsk. Nine teams participated in the culinary battle. Three of them represented amalgamated hromadas. The Ilinivska rural AH, Oleksandrivska settlement AH and Soledarska urban AH competed with the cities to be named the best cooks.

Under the terms of the competition, each team, in the presence of all guests of the holiday, prepared a preselected meal. Then they treated the audience, who voted for the meals they liked the most.

All dishes were different: Kramatorsk cooked pilaf, Pokrovsk – a national dish of Kyrgyz cuisine, the team of the Donetsk OSA cooked shurpa. The Soledarska AH surprised by a broiled ram, the Oleksandrivska hromada prepared Ukrainian borshch, and the Illinivska AH – traditional Poltava dumplings.

The Oleksandrivska AH, which was formed in April this year and is the youngest AH in the Donetsk Oblast, became the winner of the oblast culinary battle.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

27.08.2018 - 09:44 | Views: 11545
Oleksandrivska AH won culinary battle

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Донецька область


Олександрівська селищна об'єднана територіальна громада Олександрівська територіальна громада


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