CEC’s resolution slows down decentralisation process – Taras Yuryk

“The decision of the Central Election Commission that makes it impossible to hold the scheduled elections in the newly formed amalgamated hromadas in October 2018 is inadmissible, since it creates additional obstacles to the decentralisation process, and therefore it is necessary to reconsider this decision and find the opportunity to hold the planned elections,” emphasises Taras Yuryk, head of the Ternopil Territorial Organisation of the Party “Petro Poroshenko “Solidarity” Bloc”.

“The Central Election Commission has created obstacles to further amalgamation of hromadas. It is suggested that local referendums first take place and their results become a compulsory basis for an AH formation, which will delay the process of reforming the country and create bureaucratic obstacles to hromadas’ establishment. Due to decentralisation, hromadas themselves determine how they can develop their territories, since the budgets of villages, urban-type settlements and cities have grown significantly. And it’s very important that people themselves initiate the process of amalgamation, decide on what kind of settlements they can create an AH with. Thus, it is inadmissible to go against the will of people,” says Taras Yuryk.


16.08.2018 - 19:34 | Views: 13731
CEC’s resolution slows down decentralisation process – Taras Yuryk


elections amalgamation of hromadas CEC



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