Head of Lviv Oblast Council believes that issue of first elections in AHs has to be settled at Governmental meeting

Oleksandr Hanuhschyn, head of the Lviv Oblast Council, addressed an official letter to Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman with a proposal to hold a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine with the participation of CEC members, representatives of local self-government and experts on discussing the appointment of the first elections in amalgamated hromadas.

“My stance as the head of the Lviv Oblast Council regarding the actual termination of voluntary amalgamation of hromadas, caused by the “well-known” decision of the CEC, is in appeal to Volodymyr Groysman... In this situation, I consider insufficient just to urge the Central Election Commission to reconsider its decision and find the opportunity for elections to be held in those hromadas, where they were planned. If this urge is not heard, then a more effective measure of influencing the solution of the problem should be the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine with the participation of the CEC memebers, representatives of local self-government and experts,” he wrote.

According to Oleksandr Hanushchyn, at a Governmental meeting it is necessary to find a managerial decision and apply levers of influence, “which would unblock the process of appointing the first elections in AHs, stop the violations of the electoral rights of Ukrainian citizens and continue the course of the reforms...”.


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elections amalgamation of hromadas CEC


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