CEC’s standpoint threatens decentralisation and hromadas’ development – Association of AHs

The Association of Amalgamated Hromadas expressed its gratitude to politicians, institutions and experts for the stance they expressed regarding the resonant resolution No. 122 of the Central Election Commission dated 09 August 2018, which threatens the reform of local self-government and territorial organisation of power.

The Association urged all those concerned about the future of decentralisation to unite their efforts in order to prevent anyone from slowing down the process of fundamental social change, through which Ukraine has the chance to become a truly European state of self-governing hromadas.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

16.08.2018 - 14:46 | Views: 9634
CEC’s standpoint threatens decentralisation and hromadas’ development – Association of AHs


AOTH elections CEC


Асоціація об'єднаних територіальних громад

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