Gaps in referendum legislation should not hamper elections in AHs, - Oleksandr Chernenko

The procedure of appointment of elections in amalgamated hromadas is not tied to the legislation on all-Ukrainian and local referendums and should not be hindered due to inconsistencies in it.

This was stated by Oleksandr Chernenko, head of the Subcommittee on Elections and Referendums of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Legal Policy and Justice, commenting on the situation with suspension of appointment of elections in AHs until the explanation of the Committee on the legislative settlement of referendums is received.

“I absolutely do not see the logic in the actions of the Central Election Commission... Obviously, there is a legislative gap in the conduct of all-Ukrainian and local referenda, in fact, the law that was in force has been recognised as unconstitutional, and there is no other law, but I do not understand how it is related to the reluctance of the CEC to appoint the first and other repeat local elections, including in the amalgamated hromadas. These are completely non-interdependent things,” he said.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

13.08.2018 - 17:03 | Views: 12612
Gaps in referendum legislation should not hamper elections in AHs, - Oleksandr Chernenko


elections CEC



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