Amalgamated hromadas of Zhytomyr Oblast require CEC to appoint elections

The Zhytomyr Oblast's hromadas, waiting for the appointment of the first elections in AHs by the Central Election Commission, demand not to violate the constitutional rights of the population and to appoint elections on 28 October, as announced today by the heads of the village councils of the Vchorayshenska, Rayhorodotska and Vilshanska AHs at the press lunch in the Zhytomyr Local Government Development Centre, established by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion.

“We have come a long way in the decision to form a hromada: from sabotage and distrust of people to consensus and consolidation of efforts. However today, the CEC, by its decision, crosses out all our efforts. We demand not to violate our constitutional rights. We have already decided on the AH formation, and we will struggle for its implementation,” said Serhiy Melnyk, head of the Karpivtsi village council, which is part of the Vilshanska AH.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

13.08.2018 - 14:15 | Views: 13861
Amalgamated hromadas of Zhytomyr Oblast require CEC to appoint elections

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elections amalgamation of hromadas CEC


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