ASC of Pyryatynska AH to provide services to residents of neighbouring hromadas

The Administrative Service Centre of the Pyryatynska AH will provide services to the residents of the so far non-amalgamated hromadas of the Pyryatyn and Chornukhy Rayons on the terms of inter-municipal cooperation.

Larysa Kochur, head of administration of the executive committee of the Pyryatynska AH, noted that in order to expand the ASC capacities and bring them closer to the villagers, the Pyryatyn City Council won in the competitive selection of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme (Roll-Out Phase). Within the framework of the Programme, three rural hromadas will receive assistance in furnishing and equipment of administrators’ workplaces. Besides, at the expense of the Pyryatynska AH, the electronic document flow system Ascod-ASC will be installed in rural councils, as reported by the AH press service.

“The Pyriatyn residents were among the pioneers of decentralisation in the Poltava Oblast three years ago. They still remain innovators in many ways. Continuation and development of inter-municipal cooperation testifies the right way, followed by AH head Oleksiy Ryabokon with a team of like-minded people,” said Oleksandr Isyp, decentralisation adviser of the Poltava Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion.


13.08.2018 - 11:26 | Views: 17498
ASC of Pyryatynska AH to provide services to residents of neighbouring hromadas

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cooperation Administrative services


Полтавська область


Пирятинська міська об’єднана територіальна громада


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