"It is very important to solve immediately the problem and to ensure that elections can be announced and conducted as planned," said Georg Milbradt, Special Envoy of the German government on governance and decentralisation reforms in Ukraine, commenting on the decision of the Central Election Commission.
"The large number of hromadas that have just been amalgamated and have applied for elections to become capable to fulfil their new duties for the citizens are shocked by the decision of the CEC. This situation disappoints all those who trust in the decentralisation reform and undermines the hard work of hromadas and of each individual who is committed to the process. This week, I visited Baryshivka where an amalgamation process should be successfully completed by local elections in October. I saw the hope of the citizens for improving their situation by forming a capable hromada. We must prevent the destruction of these efforts," emphasised the special envoy.
"This new situation also should be explained to the Donor Board, which represents individuals and institutions which have been very active and helpful in implementing the popular decentralisation reform. The Donor Board, the international institutions and the engaged citizens working for decentralisation of Ukraine must stay on board”, said Georg Milbradt.
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