Central Electoral Commission and part of OSAs have blocked decentralisation – expert

A number of oblast state administrations, primarily of the Kyiv, Sumy, Zakarpattia and Odesa Oblasts, block the further decentralisation process in Ukraine. Yesterday they were joined by the Central Election Commission, as informed by Ivan Lukerya, expert of the Reanimation Package of Reforms (RPR), to Ukrinform.


“Blocking of the decentralisation process comes from two entities: part of the OSAs and the CEC, which yesterday suspended the process of elections’ appointment,” he said.

He noted that the OSAs use two arguments to motivate their decision: “The first one is the financial incapacity of amalgamated hromadas, and the second one is invented reasons.”

Another body, blocking the process of decentralisation, is the CEC, that “decided not to appoint local elections and delay the consideration of this issue for an indefinite period” at the meeting on 9 August.

He added that the deadline for the appointment of the local elections by CEC in October 2018 should be on 17 August, but “it is now derailed, and the issue is postponed for an indefinite period.”

“In fact, now the CEC has blocked the will of just over 1 million people: more than 80 AHs, waiting for the elections, are blocked, and they have a population of just over 1 million people,” said the expert.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


elections I.Lukerya amalgamation of hromadas CEC



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