8,7 thousand hectares of land transferred to ownership of 10 AHs in Vinnytsia Oblast

38,6 thousand hectares of agricultural land are planned to transferred from state to communal ownership of 38 AHs in the Vinnytsya Oblast in 2018.

Memoranda of cooperation were signed between the Chief Directorate of the StateGeoCadastre and all amalgamated hromadas in the context of implementation of measures for the transfer of state-owned agricultural land into the communal ownership of AHs.

8665,6 hectares have already been transferred to the communal ownership of ten AHs.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

08.08.2018 - 13:22 | Views: 12656
8,7 thousand hectares of land transferred to ownership of 10 AHs in Vinnytsia Oblast




Вінницька область


Вінницька обласна державна адміністрація

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