Specialists from AHs of Mykolayiv and Kherson Oblast take on experience of Zhytomyr colleagues

Specialists from the AHs of the Mykolayiv and Kherson Oblasts came to take on the human potential development experience of the Zhytomyr Oblast hromadas. The visit programme starts today, and first of all the AH specialists will get acquainted with the work of the Zhytomyr Local Government Development Centre, CE “City Development Agency” of the Zhytomyr City Council, and the GIZ Project Office in Zhytomyr.

“In the programme, we focus on institutions that promote the human potential development and successful practices of our AHs. In three days the teams will visit the Novoborivska, Khoroshivska, Olevska AHs. Besides, they will get acquainted with the practices of the Vysokivska and Baranivska hromadas,” said Heorhii Fedoruk, regional development adviser of the Zhytomyr LGDC.

The study trip “Human Potential Development as Guarantee of Hardening and Strengthening of Hromada Capacity” was organised by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme. The main purpose of the trip is to exchange experience and accumulate the necessary competencies and practices of successful projects’ implementation in the AHs of the Mykolayiv and Kherson Oblasts.

Tomorrow the group will get acquainted with successful projects of transformation of educational and youth spaces in the Vysokivska AH and successful project “Youth Cluster of Organic Entrepreneurship” of the Baranivska AH. These hromadas have made a major step in the development of infrastructure and activation of their residents.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

08.08.2018 - 09:12 | Views: 7257
Specialists from AHs of Mykolayiv and Kherson Oblast take on experience of Zhytomyr colleagues

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