Hennadii Zubko: Local budget revenues over January-July made up UAH 127 billion

In January-July 2018, own revenues of local budgets increased by 23.6% or by UAH 24.3 billion compared to the corresponding period of 2017, and amounted to UAH 127 billion, informed Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine.

“The personal income tax was received in the amount of UAH 75 billion, which is by UAH 16 billion more than in January-July of the previous year, land payment made up UAH 15.2 billion, and single tax revenues amounted to UAH 15.8 billion.

The growth of budgets is observed in all regions of Ukraine: from UAH 258.1 million in the Chernivtsi Oblast, to UAH 2.4 billion in the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. The budget of Kyiv increased by UAH 4 billion. The highest growth rates compared to the previous year are observed in the Poltava (+29.3%), Donetsk (+ 28.8%), and Ternopil (+ 26.4%) Oblasts. At the same time, as of 1 July 2018, the balance of local budgets on the Treasury accounts amounted to UAH 38.4 billion, while on deposit accounts it made up UAH 8.6 billion,” said Hennadii Zubko.

03.08.2018 - 19:28 | Views: 9888
Hennadii Zubko: Local budget revenues over January-July made up UAH 127 billion


budget H.Zubko


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