Association of Ukrainian Cities presented “Book of Successes” of hromadas over 1st half of 2018

The Association of Ukrainian Cities presented a collection of short stories on how decentralisation affects hromadas' lives. (DOWNLOAD).

The publication is prepared under the PULSE Project, implemented by the Association and funded by USAID.

Successes of hromadas, highlighted in the book, were the result of the active work of local self-government bodies within the framework of the decentralisation reform.

“The persistent work of local self-government bodies and support of decentralisation at the state level make a synergy that is converted into the living standards improvement. The “Book of Successes” is intended to demonstrate these positive changes in the lives of villages, urban-type settlements, cities. It should be noted that the history of change, described in the first editions, have already spread, and have become a usual thing for many hromadas. I am convinced that the examples of innovations’ introduction, collected in this publication, will inspire hromadas to make further progress in order to succeed,” said Oleksandr Slobozhan, Executive Director of the AUC.


03.08.2018 - 15:43 | Views: 9171
Association of Ukrainian Cities presented “Book of Successes” of hromadas over 1st half of 2018


Best practices


Асоціація міст України

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