Due to amalgamation budget of Ivanivska AH has grown fourfold

Journalists of the Vinnytsia and national media visited the Ivanivska AH of the Kalynivka Rayon – the press tour from the cycle “Successes of amalgamated hromadas of the Vinnytsia Oblast” was organised by the Vinnytsia Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

Ivanivska rural AH has been functioning for 9 months and shows good results, so media professionals were interested in the achievements and secrets of hromada success. During the press tour, they inspected the infrastructure and educational facilities, visited the budget-forming agricultural enterprise, visited the Hyshchyntsi starosta district and sports complex construction site of the Ivanivska AH, as well as talked to the leadership and residents of the hromada.




The AH decoration is the construction of a sports complex and a children's sports and playground. The project cost of the facility is UAH 3 million.


The trip to the Hushchantsi starosta district was also interesting.



Today, the Ivanivska rural AH has ambitious plans, in particular, to solve the issue of water supply, communal enterprise development and waste sorting and processing, as well as opening of its own ASC.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Вінницька область


Іванівська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Іванівська територіальна громада


Сайт Вінницької ОДА

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