Hromadas should see their taxpayers and tax amounts paid by them, – expert

Taxes and fees are the main source of local budget revenues. Thus, hromadas should have encouraged local enterprises to honestly pay all taxes. Unfortunately, local governments do not even have access to the information on taxpayers and amount of taxes paid by them on their territory, said Viktoria Kobyalko, local budget expert of the Association of Ukrainian Cities, in the “Modern Hromada” programme.

“Local self-government bodies do not have access to the database of the fiscal service in terms of taxpayers, and receive only aggregate data. This database is closed, it exists for official use only. Therefore, hromada does not see the entrepreneurs paying taxes within its territory and amounts of taxes paid by them. And this data is very important for planning and forming the local budget,” the expert said.


Full record of the programme is available HERE.

The “Modern Hromada” is released with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme every Wednesday at 19:30.

02.08.2018 - 10:13 | Views: 14204
Hromadas should see their taxpayers and tax amounts paid by them, – expert




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