DESPRO invites media representatives to join training sessions

The Swiss-Ukrainian project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO) announces an additional competition for the DESPRO-2018 School of Local Self-Governance.

DESPRO School has prepared a special branch for the representatives of regional mass media from all oblasts of Ukraine. The content of the training modules is aimed at journalists and editors working in regional editions and on TV channels.

The DESPRO School training will take place in the following stages:

  • I full-time session in Kyiv – 11-14 September 2018;
  • homework assignment on creation of own information product – 17 September – 9 November 2018;
  • II full-time session in Kyiv ― 20-23 November 2018;
  • awarding of participants for successful training and winners of the competition for the best information product.

Requirements for preparation and submission of applications

1. To participate in the competition, the following conditions are to be fulfilled:

  • Online questionnaire should be filled in;
  • The online questionnaire has to be supplemented with a motivation letter on participation in the work of the DESPRO School – 2018;
  • Reference letters are to be added to the online questionnaire (at least 2).

2. Deadline for filing applications to study in the group for the media representatives of the DESPRO School is 19 August 2018 (inclusive).

In case of any additional questions, please contact DESPRO communications specialist Anastasiya Holotenko.


Tel.: (044) 270 55 21; 270 55 27

Mob.: 063 598 13 76

The DESPRO project covers all expenses for study, accommodation, meals, transfer to / from the place of the event, except for the transportation to and from the city of Kyiv.

The DESPRO Schools participants will be selected by the Commission by 23 August 2018.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

31.07.2018 - 14:17 | Views: 11145
DESPRO invites media representatives to join training sessions


DESPRO competition study



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