Pavlivska AH installs street lighting, repairs roads and educational establishments

The Pavlivska hromada of the Ivanychivka Rayon constantly repairs roads, installs street lighting, and conducts overhauls of educational institutions. The village of Staryi Porytsk has recently completed repairs of the Klopochyn-Bilopil-Kolpytiv public road of local importance 0030321, as informed on the official webpage of the Pavlivska AH.

Repair works are in full swing in the educational establishments. Current repairs have already been completed in seven general secondary educational institutions and five pre-school establishments. UAH 100 thousand are allocated from the local budget for these needs.

35 windows and 2 external doors have been replaced with energy saving ones in the general secondary school of the І-ІІ degrees in the village of Zavydiv, repairs of the lobby of the general secondary school in Topylyshche is underway as well.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


education management


Волинська область


Павлівська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Павлівська територіальна громада



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