Village council in Poltava Oblast is ready to join city of oblast significance

Hadyach may become the first city of oblast significance in the Poltava Oblast to adjoin the neighbouring hromada under a simplified procedure.

“It is quite symptomatic that the youngest city of oblast significance first began to expand with the recently adopted voluntary accession procedure. It is in the expansion of boundaries that there is a potential for the development of hromadas of cities of oblast significance. I hope that Hadyach example will inspire other big cities in our oblast to take these advantages of the decentralisation reform,” said Oleksandr Isyp, decentralisation expert of the Poltava Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion.

Hadyach is the youngest city of oblast significance in the Poltava Oblast. It received this status only in 2015. Poltava, Kremenchuk, Horishni Plavni, Lubny and Myrhorod are also the cities of oblast significance in the Poltava Oblast. By this time, only Myrhorod has begun the process of voluntary accession by sending invitations to as many as 13 rural councils to join.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE




24.07.2018 - 14:37 | Views: 13096

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amalgamation of hromadas accession


Полтавська область


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