Youth centres are driver for development of territories

Hromadas in the Zhytomyr Oblast are working to open youth centres. The Novoborivska AH is set to open such a centre soon, since the local youth council started to operate actively in February this year and helps the local officials organise this process.

“To refurbish the old village community house and to change the plate on the door is not even the half of the job. It is crucial to give sense to the space of the youth centre and to inspire young people so they engage themselves for the development of the territory. This is why it is so important to make people aware of the entire mechanism for the establishment of such centres in hromadas”, said Dmytro Klymenko, communication adviser of the Zhytomyr LGDC.

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20.07.2018 - 12:07 | Views: 11322
Youth centres are driver for development of territories

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