Each hromada has potential for tourism development, but not all of them can identify, assess and unfold it, expert says

There is no universal recipe for hromadas to develop tourism. It depends on what the recpective hromada can offer. These touristic assets should necessarily be mountains, seaside, caves, waterfalls or castles. Even an ordinary forest can become an advantage for a hromada. In some cases, touristic activities can be developed from the scratch, said tourism expert Serhiy Pidmohylnyi in the programme “Modern Hromada” of the Ukrainian Radio.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

19.07.2018 - 14:57 | Views: 17361
Each hromada has potential for tourism development, but not all of them can identify, assess and unfold it, expert says


tourism Serhii Pidmohylnyi


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