Vinnytsia Oblast discusses whether hromadas should amalgamate

DESPRO debates between supporters and opponents of hromadas’ amalgamation started in the city of Yampil, Vinnytsia Oblast. will tell about the ongoing debates online.

“I am very glad that we united three rayons in this hall: the Yampil, Mohyliv-Podilskyi and Kryzhopil ones,” said Andriy Hyzhko, first deputy head of the Vinnytsia Oblast State Administration. “I would like to ask the heads of the village councils of these rayons: Are you full masters in your hromadas? Do you have to agree on even windows purchase with Kyiv? The reform of decentralisation of power gives you the opportunity to change your hromadas qualitatively, to make them capable. There are over 700 AHs in Ukraine that show successful progress, and I am proud that every sixth hromada in the oblast is already involved in the reform. No need to be afraid of amalgamation, because during the last 50 years such processes took place in our oblast very often. But for the first time, such amalgamation has been carried out on a voluntary basis. I would like today's debates to let everyone get rid of many myths created around the reform. The word decentralisation asks you, where the decision-making centre is? You are this centre!

The main topics of the discussion include:

  1. Prospects for the development of the AH educational sector
  2. Prospects for the development of the AH healthcare system
  3. Opportunities for activating the local economic development of AHs

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

18.07.2018 - 11:47 | Views: 11440
Vinnytsia Oblast discusses whether hromadas should amalgamate

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