Menska amalgamated hromada invites to take part in #luMENA2018 festival

The festival summer continues in the Chernihiv Oblast hromadas. The Menska AH invites to take part in the “#luMENA2018. Light and Development” festival, which will be held on 10-11 August.

Modern knowledge and technologies create more convenient and comfortable conditions for people. Street lighting, energy efficient technologies contribute to local investment and stimulate local entrepreneurship.

The “#luMENA2018. Light and Development” festival focuses on environmental impact with new emphasis on the development of the Mena Rayon, strengthening of inter-sectoral ties, socialisation of the anti-terrorist operation participants and displaced persons.

The programme of the festival includes meetings with famous and interesting personalities, master classes, performances in traditional Ukrainian martial arts.

“This is not only an excursion into the heroic past of the Ukrainian people, but also promotion of a modern national cultural product, that is highlighting the road to the future. The current trends, faces of art community, discussion platforms, sports and communication are gathered within the festival brand #luMENA,” note the organisers of the festival. Two locations – the “main” one and the “quiet” one – will operate at once.


The Mena City Council is carrying out the project “Modernisation of Street Lighting” within the framework of EU technical assistance “Regional Programme in the Neighbourhood for Sustainable Urban Demonstration Projects (SUDeP) – Eastern part”.


12.07.2018 - 11:09 | Views: 7237
Menska amalgamated hromada invites to take part in #luMENA2018 festival


Чернігівська область


Менська міська об’єднана територіальна громада Менська територіальна громада


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