ANNOUNCEMENT! Vinnytsia Oblast media representatives invited to participate in DESPRO debates on “Why Should Hromadas Amalgamate?”

The debates on “Why Should Hromadas Amalgamate?” will take place on 18 July in Yampil, Vinnytsia Oblast.

The debates are aimed at conveying comprehensive information on the essence of the reforms of local self-government and territorial organisation of power, decentralisation of powers, explaining the benefits of the reform on the example of the existing amalgamated hromadas and providing answers to questions of interest from the public and local self-government bodies.

The event is organised by the Swiss-Ukrainian project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO) with the support of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast State Administration.

The participants of the debates include the heads and deputies of local councils, representatives of pedagogical and medical staff of the Yampil, Kryzhopil, Mohyliv-Podilskyi Rayons, as well as the heads of AHs and starostas from other oblasts of Ukraine experts.

Venue: Yampil city, 9/1 Kozachynskyi street (building of the Yampil Musical School)

Time: 10 am – registration; 11 am – start of the debates (entrance only by registration lists and ID documents)

Media accreditation lasts until 3 pm on 17 July by phone. 0672308948

More information on DESPRO debates is available HERE

11.07.2018 - 15:53 | Views: 11219
ANNOUNCEMENT! Vinnytsia Oblast media representatives invited to participate in DESPRO debates on “Why Should Hromadas Amalgamate?”


debates DESPRO


Вінницька область


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