What will AHs of Odesa Oblast allocate infrastructure subvention funds for?

The Odesa Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, assisted amalgamated hromadas of the oblast in preparation of the projects for implementation of the infrastructure subvention.

Viktor Bondaruk, regional development adviser of the Odesa LGDC, provided consultations to the representatives of eight AHs: the Avanhardivska, Zatyshanska, Berezivska, Krasnosilska, Kuyalnytska, Lymanska, Starokozatska and Shabivska AHs.

Thus, the Avanhardivska AH developed two projects: major repairs of the roadway in the village of Prylymanske and overhaul of the lane roadway in the village of Avanhard.

Two projects will be implemented in the Shabivska AH: they will carry out overhaul of the pumping station in Shabo and purchase special-purpose vehicles for the housing and communal service management department.

One project was developed by the Zatyshanska, Berezivska, Krasnosilska, Starokozatska AH. These hromadas will mostly buy special equipment for communal enterprises, and the Krasnosilska AH will repair the school.

Four projects have been developed for the Lymanska AH: overhaul of the village cultural club; major repairs of the pre-school unit of the Trapivka educational complex; purchase of communal machinery for the Communal Enterprise “Volna” (villages of Trapivka, Novoselytsia, Zarichne) and purchase of communal machinery for the Communal Enterprise “Silcomunhosp of Lyman Village Council”.

One of the largest AHs of the Odesa Oblast, namely the Kuyalnytska AH, has developed eight projects. They concern reconstruction of street lighting networks in 22 villages of the hromada, overhaul of the cultural club in the village of Bochmanivka, a number of water supply network overhauls, purchase of special equipment for a communal enterprise, as well as repair of the sports hall of Lubomyrka educational complex. Another important project is the construction of a 150-kW communal land-based solar power plant.

As a result, all projects submitted by the AHs of the Odesa Oblast have been approved by MinRegion. The total amount of funding to be received by the amalgamated hromadas of the Odesa Oblast in the framework of the infrastructure subvention is UAH 92 million 543.87.


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