First rural Administrative Service Centre started operating in Ahronomichne village of Vinnytsia Oblast

On 9 July, Andriy Hyzhko, First Deputy Head of the Oblast State Administration, took part in the opening of the Administrative Service Centre of the Executive Committee of the Ahronomichne Village Council.

Newly established ASC in the village of Ahronomichne of the Vinnytsia Oblast provides 37 types of administrative services for ensuring the rights of the population in the social sphere, passport system, business registration, property registration, land relations, pension provision, etc. In general, the ASC has already signed agreements on cooperation with the Pension Fund Directorate of Ukraine in the Vinnytsia Oblast, with the Labour and Social Protection Office of the Vinnytsia Oblast State Administration, and with the Vinnytsia Oblast Employment Centre, so it is possible to receive consultations from the employees of the abovementioned institutions in the ASC, that used to operate in a testing mode.

Addressing the audience with a greeting word, Andriy Hyzhko said: “Today, a number of important reforms, supported by the President of Ukraine and the Government, are underway. Perhaps the decentralisation reform, a vivid example of which we see in your hromada, is the key reform to enter the history of our state. The notion of “decentralisation” demonstrates and explains exactly where the decision-making centre is. As a result, you have approached the delivery of services to local residents, who can seek help and settle the issues within the hromada. That is why this Centre will become the place, where every citizen of Ahronomichne village and residents of the surrounding villages will be able to quickly get solutions in different directions. Today, such centres become a place for transparent public decision-making.”

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

10.07.2018 - 10:55 | Views: 16780
First rural Administrative Service Centre started operating in Ahronomichne village of Vinnytsia Oblast

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Administrative services


Вінницька область


Сайт Вінницької ОДА

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