Hromada under microscope: Delyatynska AH

Is the reform of decentralisation of power a positive or a negative process? The “Halytskyi korespondent” decided to search for the answer to this question in the amalgamated hromadas that have already gained certain management experience. This week the story is about the Delyatynska AH.

The Delyatynska hromada has been formed just recently, the elections took place on 24 December 2017.



The Delyatynska AH is one of the largest in the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. The population here exceeds 17 thousand people. In particular, there are over 8 thousand residents in Delyatyn, four thousand in Zarichchya, three thousand – in Chornyi Potik, and two thousand – in Chorni Oslavy.

There are eight educational establishments: three lyceums (Lyceum No 2 consists of an educational complex with a kindergarten), gymnasium and elementary school in Delyatyn, as well as three lyceums (one in each of the following settlements) in Zarichchya, Chornyi Potik and Chorni Oslavy. Kindergartens are located in Zarichchya and in Delyatyn military unit.

Healthcare institutions include communal non-profit institutions “Primary Healthcare Centre” and Hospital of planned treatment and rehabilitation.

Culture centres are located in Delyatyn and Zarichchya, there are village culture clubs in Chornyi Potik and Chorni Oslavy. There are also many churches in the hromada. Delyatyn has a regional history museum. Besides, the urban-type settlement has a large stadium, located opposite the village council, and a playground with artificial surface. One more playground, which was, by the way, one of the first in the oblast – is located in Chornyi Potik. Another playground is about to be installed in Chorni Oslavy.

Delyatin was once a salt extraction centre. The saltern is currently closed, but the AH would be happy to cooperate with an investor and develop the balneological direction, says Bohdan Klymyuk, head of the AH.

“Serin-Lis” company, which carries out processing and export of timber, is now operating at the forest plant. It is the largest company in the hromada, employing more than 100 people.




The AH budget is UAH 92 million: 20 million of own funds, 36 million of educational subvention, 13.7 million of healthcare subvention, 16 million of basic and additional subventions, 3.3 million of infrastructure subvention.

The structure of the budget is mainly formed by the personal income tax, as well as land tax and excise tax. There are public catering establishments, shops, two supermarkets, and timber processing entrepreneurs on the AH territory.




Like in many other hromadas, road repairs are among the most urgent problems in the Delyatynska AH.

The communal AH roads are in poor condition, they need to be repaired, but there is a lack of funds. This year, the hromada plans to asphalt the central part of the road in Delyatyn, and then determine which roads are the most problematic, for them to be repaired as soon as funds are received.

One more issue is the construction of the Lyceum in Chornyi Potik with14 classrooms, carried out for already several years. There are 450 pupils studying in four premises, even in the premises of the village council. It is impossible to complete such construction at the expense of the hromada. UAH 1.1 million of infrastructure subvention, as well as UAH 200 thousand of own hromada funds, are to be directed to this aim. So far, two floors of the Lyceum have been built, the third one has to be completed and the premises have to be covered.

The problem of solid household waste management is relevant as well.




The largest projects the AH managed to win are oblast ones. The international level has not yet been reached, but they plan to entrust one or two employees with the project writing process. Currently, all incoming opportunities and proposals are being used.

Prior to the AH establishment, Zarichchya won the oblast project on the arrangement of the football field of the village stadium, and recently – the project on creation of an artificial-surface playground in Delyatyn. Construction of the gym is also planned, the building of the Lyceum No 1 in Delyatyn is underway, UAH 2.5 million come for this purpose from the oblast budget. The oblast also finances the water supply system establishment in the microdistrict of Delyatyn.

An ASC is planned to be opened soon in Zarichchya, the process of special verification of the candidate for the position of head of the institution is underway.




Unfortunately, many young people go abroad, says the head. Children go to universities, look for jobs, do not find them and leave the AH. There is no youth council in the hromada as there is lack of initiative young people willing to change something.




The Delyatynska AH intends to develop tourism. Mount Malyvo, stretching along the central road, can be one of the attractions for the tourists. An observation deck is planned to be arranged on it. There are also bicycle tracks to Zarichchya and Lyubizhnya. A hromada strategic plan with a clear outline of prospects and key areas for development is to be elaborated soon.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Івано-Франківська область


Делятинська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Делятинська територіальна громада


Галицький кореспондент

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