We would have already had 100 million investments instead of 50, if we had amalgamated earlier – head of Bashtanska AH

Decentralisation provided hromada with resources, powers and responsibilities, says the head of the Bashtanska amalgamated hromada of the Mykolayiv Oblast. During the first years of work the hromada succeeded in implementing the plans that previously seemed utopian. Ivan Rubskyi, head of the AH, told how non-amalgamated hromadas lose essential time and how the Bashtanska AH uses its opportunities during the briefing at the Ukrainian Crisis Media Centre within the framework of the UCMC-DOBRE “Rechnyk Hromad” project.


“Today the state really helps and gives preferences to amalgamated hromadas. In addition, we have the opportunity to work with international programmes. We did not have such results for many years. Only last year our hromada attracted UAH 50 million of investments from various sources. Our communal enterprises have not received a single hryvnia for 30 years. Now they have machinery and equipment. The AH has started working. It is important that not only Bashtanka develops. 70% of the resources go to the village – to bring them to our level," says Ivan Rubskyi.

The Bashtanska AH appeared on the map at the end of 2016. It includes 26 settlements and is the largest hromada in the Mykolayiv Oblast – more than 20 thousand people live here, accounting for the greater part of the population of the entire rayon.

Last year, according to the public report, the increase in the AH budget revenues amounted to 44.9%.


According to the AH head, Bashtanka is planning a more global economic development.

Ivan Rubskyi says that at present there are enough powers and resources for the AH development. And hromadas, that delay amalgamation, lose a number of opportunities, while amalgamated hromadas are progressing.

In addition, the hromada is looking for a variety of opportunities for its own development. Ivan Rubskyi says that one of the villages in their AH managed to implement about 10 initiatives. The AH is also a partner of the USAID DOBRE Programme, which provides support and co-financing in hromada’s projects.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE






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