Online forum helps starostas to quickly get answers to topical questions and engage in discussions

The online forum attracts the attention of starostas and representatives of executive committees of amalgamated hromadas, as evidenced by the regular increase in the number of its participants, as well as the number of reviews of the issues discussed.

"Sometimes starostas face situations that need to be solved for the first time and in a rather short time. What are they to do when colleagues due to the lack of such experience cannot give proper advice, and the issue has not yet been discussed in the forum? If a starosta is registered at the forum, it does not take a lot of time to ask questions and get the answer. It is much more difficult for non-registered starostas, because time lost for registration will not facilitate a quick solution of the issue. Let me remind you that reading other people's questions and answers is good, but having the opportunity to ask questions and engage in discussions is better. Therefore, register yourself and invite colleagues,” recommends Oleksandr Vrublevskyi, moderator of the forum, expert consultant of the DESPRO project on starostas’ activity and cooperation of hromadas.

Please note that in the ANALYTICS section one can get acquainted with the relevant professional materials related to starostas’ activities and, if necessary, to ask additional questions directly at the online forum.

As it is known, in general, 653 starostas have been already elected in AHs, and 2565 other persons are acting starostas.

Registration at the forum is available HERE.

The online forum for starostas, acting starostas and representatives of the executive committees of AHs was developed at the initiative of the Swiss-Ukrainian project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO) .


02.07.2018 - 18:26 | Views: 10547
Online forum helps starostas to quickly get answers to topical questions and engage in discussions




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